Thursday, January 24, 2013

Delusions of Rapture

As this 21st century has entered its second decade seemingly hell-bent towards an intersection of environmental destruction with Orwellian government, speculation on the future runs rampant. In what passes for Christianity these days, there's a sizable proportion of believers who are waiting to be zapped off the Earth ('raptured' as they call it) just as chaos is unleashed for seven years of truly bad luck for those 'left behind'. Among atheists, this sounds totally absurd; but among the undecided, the question may linger whether there is any truth to the 'rapture' story.
Since the believers say they got this scenario from the Bible, let's have a Bible study to see how credible are their claims.
The word ‘rapture’ does not appear in the Bible. Pundits use it to describe an ostensible bodily ‘elevation’ of the saints living at the end of the age, when Jesus returns to claim his people (or church). According to certain ‘evangelical’ speculators, this divine act of transporting Christians into heaven will occur secretly and suddenly. They claim it will precede a period of 7 years of turmoil or ‘tribulation’ on the world, ignited by the ‘Anti-Christ’… after which, Jesus returns a third time to judge and punish the wicked left behind on earth.

One of the scriptures that the rapturists base their theory on is found in Luke 17:34-36, where Jesus states: "I tell you, on that night there will be two in one bed; one will be taken and the other will be left. There will be two women grinding at the same place; one will be taken and the other will be left. Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other will be left.”

Could this text refer to a secret ‘rapture’ of the believers who are alive at Jesus' second coming? In John ch. 11, Jesus raises his friend Lazarus from the grave, and has this exchange with Lazarus' sister: “[23]  Jesus said to her, 'Your brother will rise again.' [24] Martha said to Him, 'I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.'"

According to those words, there must be a different rapture for the deceased saints-- on the ‘last day,’ seven years after the ‘first rapture.’ If there is a first rapture! A contradiction arises here-- is there one or two raptures?.

Apostle and preacher, Paul, clarified the situation in a letter to the Thessalonians (1 Thess 4): “[15] For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. [16] For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a  shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. [17] Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.” (Emphasis supplied by me.)

Clearly, both dead and living saints (those saved) will be raised together, in one event. Yes, you can call it a rapture... but, it will be far from secret!

Did Paul just invent this idea; or does it accord with Jesus' teaching? Check Jesus' words in Matthew 24 (the ‘Olivet Discourse’): [30] "And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son Of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. [31] And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.”

Once again, the climactic event is anything but secret; and the angels gather 'His elect' (i.e. both living and deceased) from the four corners of the Earth. That's not all; note further that Jesus indicates that there is one, unique appearing of ‘the sign of the Son of Man’ in the sky. At that appearing, ALL the people of the earth will see His approaching ‘sign’. That must include the believers, because…He then sends out His angels to gather the faithful, both living and dead!

In the same ‘Olivet Discourse’ Jesus warned his hearers of deception so strong  “as to mislead, if possible, even the elect” [v. 24]. Why would such warning be needed if believers were going to be raptured away in advance? Jesus' own words are proof positive that there is no such thing as a 'secret rapture' in advance of a period of tribulation!

What about the ‘one taken and one left’? Luke 17:36 “Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other will be left. [37] And answering they said to Him, "Where, Lord?" And He said to them, "Where the body is, there also the vultures will be gathered."

Remember that at His appearance, the wicked will be destroyed by His glory (1 Thes 2:8; Rev 6:16, 19:17) ...while the saints are raised to meet Him. The text refers to two classes of people judged; there is nothing in it to justify or require the invention of a ‘pre-tribulation, secret rapture!’

Where do these theories come from? We can find a general answer in 2 Timothy 4:3 “For the time will come when they [Christians] will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires…”  This describes today's Christians who let others tell them what the Bible states; and especially, American church-goers, who feel they should get a free pass to avoid whatever nasty business explodes at the end of the Age.

The book of Daniel describes another group. Chapter 12:10 "Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.” We get that insight, people, by studying scripture by ourselves, and allowing the Spirit of God to enlighten our minds.

The notion of a pre-tribulation rapture was unknown until the 19th century. Then, a new Bible, the Scofield Reference Bible, was released by a publisher never known to favor Christian books (Oxford University Press). Their version gained popularity by including copious 'study-guide footnotes' to 'help' the poor, unenlightened Bible student. Those notes, cribbed largely from John Darby, introduced the false doctrine of the rapture (and more importantly, the corrosive doctrine of modern Zionism... but that's material for another study!)

Closing thoughts

There are numerous scriptures that indicate clearly that believers alive at the ‘end time’ will face great tribulation, which will be a severe test of faith, as well as an opportunity to proclaim the gospel to all the world. (See the Olivet Discourse in the synoptic gospels, plus Revelation, etc.)

There are no scriptures that support the secret rapture theory-- it is an invention of publicity seeking men wanting to sell their books and videos, and collect a cult of adherents. Also, sad to say, to lure ignorant Christians into deception.

Belief in a secret, pre-advent rapture can lull ignorant Christians into thinking God will ‘rescue’ them just because they belong to an evangelical church. This could be deadly to their mental, as well as spiritual life!

Monday, January 7, 2013

One Man, One Faith

Christianity has been called one of the three 'Abrahamic religions;' which is true. However,
how it came to be a religion of Abraham is completely misunderstood, even by Christian scholars!
Almost every Christian (and I use the term loosely, to refer to a self-identified member of one of the myriad churches that assume the name of Christ) 'knows' that their faith was an off-shoot of Judaism. It's obvious-- Jesus was a Jew, and he started a new religion before his death at the hands of his countrymen, right?

This is the simplistic version of 'church history' promulgated in virtually every school of divinity, and from every church pulpit, down thru the ages. The truth, as usual, is far more interesting, but also more complex, than anyone (including pastors) cares to investigate. Therefore, the folk-tale is accepted as 'gospel,' regardless of its falsehood.

To know the true origins of the Christ-based faith, one must do a little Bible study. First, we have to understand the concept of covenants, basically a treaty or legal agreement, having a number of characteristics. (See Genesis 31 for an example).

The important things to note are that a covenant is made between two parties, and its terms apply to the full retinue of each party (i.e. extended family, and hangers-on). A covenant spells out the benefits (blessings) and the penalties (curses) that will accrue to the parties, depending on whether they fulfill or abrogate the terms agreed upon. The Bible describes several covenants within its pages, sometimes between humans, and sometimes between God and humans.

Now, the pivotal covenant that God made 'with Abram' (Abraham's name before the encounter) is described in chapter 15 of Genesis. At the climax, it states:
[vs. 17] It came about when the sun had set, that it was very dark, and behold, there appeared a smoking furnace and a flaming torch which passed between these pieces. [18] On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying,
“To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the river Euphrates.”

Some vital details are invariably overlooked by the trained scholars. Verse 12 tells us that “a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and terror and great darkness fell upon him.” In other words, he apparently fainted in fright, and was not fully functional when the events of verses 17-18 occurred. The educated ones tell us that 'God' appeared to Abram that night, to 'cut the covenant' with him. But, we just saw that Abram was in no condition to sign a legal deal! And if 'God' was moving among the sacrificed animals, what is the significance of the two 'objects?'

Ah, those are questions the learned always skate around. The text refers to 'a smoking furnace and a flaming torch.' Clearly, they are representative; but of what? In the book of Exodus, God's appearances to Moses and the Israelites in the wilderness are likened to a smoking furnace (Ex 19:18). Also, God is said to have led them in the form of a pillar of 'fire and cloud' by day (Ex 14:24).

What about the flaming torch? This item is also translated as a 'burning lamp' since a torch was used as a lamp then. In the New Testament, the apostle John introduces Jesus as the 'true light which... enlightens every man' (ch. 1:9); and
in John 8:12, Jesus describes himself as the 'light of the world.' If that doesn't quite clinch it, Jesus makes an outrageous statement that infuriates his Jewish listeners, in Jn 8:56, by saying that Abraham rejoiced to see 'his day' (i.e. Jesus' reality).

When did Abraham see 'Jesus' day,' I ask you Bible students? There is no other record of direct evidence except the incident captured in Gen 15! If Abram was 'out of action,' yet a covenant was made, who were the parties to the deal? None other than God 'the Father,' with 'the Son of God'... who was acting on behalf of 'fallen' mankind, as embodied in Abraham! The 'torch/lamp' represented God the Son, later to become 'the Son of Man' (i.e. divinity in human flesh).

Every biblical covenant was inaugurated, or initiated, and then confirmed or ratified. At the inauguration, generally a 'monument' was erected to mark the occasion and often, to witness to its solemnity. (For ex. see the Jacob/Laban deal). The agreement was usually confirmed with a blood sacrifice, hence reference to 'cutting a covenant.' The Abrahamic covenant was initiated in Genesis 15, but was only confirmed almost 2,000 years later, by the shedding of Christ's blood on the cross. Let's review the proof of this claim.

In Daniel's prophecy of ch. 9:27, he refers to the future (to him) Messiah who “will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering.” Briefly, a prophetic 'week' represents seven years, so that the middle would be three and a half years, the length of Jesus' ministry. Jesus' sacrificial death obviated the need for the animal sacrifices and grain offerings made in the temple (Heb 7:26-27).

At the last supper, Jesus made an enigmatic statement as he passed out the wine goblet: “this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for [the] many for forgiveness of sins” (Matt 26:28). Indeed, he was confirming the original covenant of faith, inaugurated in Abraham's day, and as predicted by Daniel.

Only by taking this 'big picture' view of the entire scriptures can we tie the pieces together and see the reality. And this is why the writer of the book of Hebrews can make his claims in the critical chapter eight, in particular, stating that “He [Jesus] is also the mediator of a better covenant” (vs. 6).

What was it that made Abraham so acceptable to God, that he should receive a covenant? Genesis 15 gives us the answer: “[6] Then he [Abram] believed in the Lord; and He reckoned it to him as righteousness.” Christians say, in brief, that Abraham was deemed righteous by his faith in God. Much later, in the New Testament, the apostles' writings show how everyone is, similarly, deemed righteous through faith in Christ, God's 'Word with us.'

Now, do you see how all this comes together to provide the answer to the question in the essay's title? Clearly, the Jews are NOT partakers of the Abrahamic covenant, by their own choice! A believer in the Judaic system does not believe in salvation by faith. Not at all; they adhere to the Mosaic, or Sinai, covenant which is based on human works, i.e. obedience to the commandments, of which there are many. Besides the Ten Commandments of movie fame, the rabbis added numerous others over the years, so that there are 613 biblical laws, not counting later talmudic and rabbinic law, as well as customs and traditions for Jewish religious adherents.

The author of Hebrews goes to great lengths to forensically demonstrate how the 'New Covenant' (which is really the Abrahamic covenant) is superior in every way to the 'Old Covenant' mediated by Moses in the desert at Sinai some 430 years after the time of Abraham. Note that the covenants are called new or old based on the time of their confirmation, not their inauguration. Jesus ratified the New Covenant with his blood sacrifice some 1500 years after Moses' covenant.

Finally, we have the story of Abraham's son, Ishmael, born of the servant, Hagar, and accepted by the Moslem world as the origin of their Islamic faith. I don't want to add a lengthy discussion here of how Islam diverges from the faith of Abraham, but I think if you followed the argument above, it should become apparent. Only those who believe in God and accept his freely-given grace (the gift of salvation, not earned by human works) can be 'adopted' as children of Abraham (see, esp. Romans 4). Islam, like Judaism, is predicated on the observance of laws, rules, to earn righteousness (salvation). Therefore, despite  Muslims' tremendous earnestness, theirs is NOT truly an Abrahamic faith!

In conclusion, scripture, when taken in its wholeness, establishes that the genuine, Christ-based faith (as opposed to what is erroneously called Christian) derives directly from Abraham; there is no 'Jewish phase' involved! True Christianity is not an offshoot of Judaism merely because Jesus was a Jew. And, just in case a few naive readers are confused on the issue-- no, Abraham was not a Jew! This is impossible, since the Jews arose from the tribe of a man called Judah, who was a great-grandson of Abraham. Remember that!

Furthermore, the foregoing study ought to be conclusive proof that there is no such thing as 'Judeo-Christianity' in God's eyes. As Paul and others wrote, you are either under the Law (i.e. in a works-based religion) or else under grace (which is true Christ-based faith); you cannot be under both, as is taught in practically all the mainstream denominations!  (See Deut 30:19, Gal 3:12).

Out of the patriarch, Abraham, there did indeed arise three religions; three worldly systems that each went astray from the original intention. Yet, there is only one, true faith coming from Abraham's story. It is described in the words of the Bible, over a span of two thousand years. That faith never got 'canned' and sold as a religion; it exists in the heart of everyone who goes directly to God in faith and belief. They are the spiritual descendents of Abraham, born of the Spirit, the true inheritors of the promised Kingdom of God.