Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What Will It Take?

To many observers, we are living in 'end times' as prophesied in various traditions; is it all just hype?
There are a couple of Bible verses that are particularly appropriate for the tenor of these times:
(1) Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times? (Jesus' words, Matt 16:3, Luke 12:56 alternate rendering). (2) Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. [4] They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation." (Peter's words, 2 Pet 3:3,4)

Isn't the world at large behaving precisely as these verses describe? On the one hand, there's an abundance of environmental signs seeking to be discerned. Perhaps the most notable example is the debate over 'climate change.' As I write this, a world conference on 'global warming' is wrapping up in Cancun, Mexico-- which, just recorded its lowest temperatures on record, coincidentally. Also happening presently is the simultaneous eruption of volcanoes in widely separated parts of the world-- Indonesia, Iceland, Italy, and South America, (and there may be others). Animal species are disappearing; strange sonic booms, and humming noises are reported in diverse locales; fireballs have been captured on film in various places, including the Canadian prairies. Concern is being voiced about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, leading some to speculate if a pole reversal may be coming. The frequency of major earthquakes has increased, with devastating results. More than half a million people have died as a result of the great, SE Asian quake/tsunami of Dec. 2004, and the earthquake in Haiti of Jan. 2010, (not to forget the magnitude 8.8 quake in Chile in 2010). I could cite other calamities that can easily qualify as 'signs of the times,' but the reader can surely think of others, too, without much prompting.

And then there's the immediate chorus of the 'scoffers,' the deniers, those who would really prefer to believe in yesterday, as the Beatles' song goes. 'Climate change... what climate change?' they scoff, even as Europe digs out of another unprecedented winter blast, and transportation is paralyzed in the Mid-west and Eastern USA. Volcanoes-- so what? There are lots of volcanic mountains all over the world; some are bound to erupt simultaneously at times. And so it goes; they have a soothing rationale for any and every disturbing situation you can present. Everything is going on as it has since the world began; we're just better at detecting the little fluctuations. For those readers who are captivated by this comforting reasoning, no amount of evidence can dislodge their confidence in Darwinian uniformitarianism. Like the passengers on the steam ship Titanic, they just know that their vessel is unsinkable-- that's what all the experts told them, in any case.

Yet, if the assertion of impending doom is accurate, what would it take to get the majority to finally take note that it's not business as usual on planet Earth? We've already had numerous events that, if placed in sequence, indicate a trend of increasing severity. Suppose there occurred a major earthquake in one part of the earth that generates a killer tsunami... followed within hours by another major quake on the other side of the world, and all of this mayhem resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths, possibly even into the six figures. Would such a chain of events be the tipping point of belief for a majority of the populace? I suspect it would unsettle quite a large segment; but for how long? Would the mainstream be ready to acknowledge that it may signal a new order of instability? You can be sure the Powers that Be would use all their arsenal of media manipulation tricks to smother the flames of anxiety among the great masses. Ironically, they use those tricks presently to fan the fires of apprehension over the vague threat of terrorism. In the scenario of global disaster, they would trot out all kinds of talking heads to appear on all their captive, tri-literal TV stations and utter all manner of scientific assurances that it's really just a string of bad luck.

Okay then, if it's more than the mere 'statistical variability' of the natural world, then what is happening? Well, if you examine the data-- the records of hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, over the past 150 or so years when reliable readings have been collected-- you see the trends. (I'd argue that all it takes is for anyone in the 'older age' bracket with a good memory and an unbiased outlook.) And in this case, the trend is definitely not our friend. Of all the indicators, the most telling are the frequency and magnitude of earthquakes, since this reveals the relative activity of the Earth's crust. And we humans live, like the fleas on a dog, on the very surface of the terrestrial crust. We know that the land masses constitute an interlocking set of 'plates' that are in constant, slow, minute movement caused by a number of forces acting upon them. Inevitably, they grind against each other, and 'something has to give.' The periodic adjustments in position of one plate against another are felt as tremors, and when more energetic, as quakes. The trend reveals an increase in the proportion of quakes in the more severe range, which would be those registering 5.0 or greater on the Richter scale.

The obvious question (or criticism) is, where does the earthquake trend end? And why should it be in a global catastrophe? Reasonable questions. Here's where the element of faith-- or doubt-- emerges. Yes, runaway global warming, or a world-wide re-settling of tectonic plates, might cause great upheaval for a while, but humanity would eventually readjust and life would go on. But, numerous ancient traditions, differing widely on the surface, show a surprising overlap in their depictions of the 'end of the Age.' Why should one listen to such 'antiquated myths' in this 'scientific' age? Precisely because many of these traditions describe general societal conditions in terms that sound amazingly contemporary. Again, the skeptics can unearth hoary texts from Roman, Greek or Egyptian times that sound like modern laments over the decline of society or the end of the world. That's true in some ways. On closer scrutiny, these texts are usually seen to be local and subjective complaints. What the apocalyptic prophecies of widely separated traditions describe is a set of indicators that read much like the signs of these times, that I've already outlined. Moreover, most of the ancient oracles express a cyclical model of time-- i.e. the world experiences a predetermined rhythm of cosmic influences that manifest as repeated patterns of events in the physical realm and in the affairs of mankind. In that model, the world has previously undergone global catastrophe that has extinguished all but a handful of survivors. It is this very concurrence of end-times prognostication that, I would argue, itself constitutes a veritable sign of the times.

If this story is true, why, you wonder, would the authorities want to cover up the evidence pointing to what is called an 'extinction level event' (or ELE)? The answer lies in pure yet unavoidable cynicism: because they want to keep the money rolling in! That's the dark, bottom line, folks; keep the masses ignorant and working feverishly, earning money that the elite have a dozen ways of scamming into their bloated bank accounts. Think of the alternate scenario before scoffing again. If the governors were to say, 'We think the world is headed for an ELE, so you might as well make preparations now,' what do you think would happen? Would the majority continue to toil at their odious jobs, continue to buy all kinds of frivolous 'goods,' continue to pay their rent or mortgages, and so on? Given the past deference of society to their political and scientific establishment, they would take the warning seriously, and hence, would not likely continue living as they do now. In other words, the system would break down quite soon.

You might object, why would the elite want to continue amassing money if they were certain the world was heading for collapse, where the monetary system would be useless? Good question! The thing is that the wealthy elite really believe that they can use their resources to survive the catastrophe in underground bunkers and so on, and then emerge to resume life at the top of the heap (so to speak). It's a bizarre hope, yet their experts have assured them it's do-able. Around every big-shot kingpin, there are always the sycophants who ingratiate themselves by repeating what they figure the boss wants to hear... and, who knows, they figure-- it just might succeed. Meanwhile, let the ignorant masses proceed blithely to their doom; it will be easier for the elite to reestablish their hegemony after several billion 'drones' have perished. So goes their self-serving reasoning.

What about you, dear reader-- would you gladly lap up any official blandishments that make the problem go away? Will you cling to any available scrap of denial in the hope that it's all a terrible conspiracy theory? Whether big, spectacular, and widespread, or small, negligible and local, the signs of these times will continue to occur, and call for your attention. I urge you to start thinking about such things now, because once they happen in your neighborhood, it may be too late to consider what it all means.
"Now I have told you before it happens, so that when it happens, you may believe." (John 14:29)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

America's Doom Prophecied in Bible!

In Part 1, we looked at chapters 13 and 17, showing how they were two, complementary descriptions of world affairs in the closing years of Earth's history. This essay examines chapter 18, which I hope to demonstrate, is an extension of the prophetic views outlined in the previously studied chapters.
Chapter 18 (and bear in mind that the text was segmented into 'chapters' only long after it was written) discusses the 'fall of Babylon.' As we stated before, Revelation is written in symbols, so Babylon is to be taken as a figurative entity. In the OT, Babylon was a great city-state that once ruled a 'golden empire,' as Daniel assures King Nebuchadnezzar in chapter two of his memoir. Over time, it came to be recognized as a place of distasteful pagan practices and finally, symbolic of all that opposes true worship of the one God. Of important note, Peter refers to Babylon in his epistles (see 1 Pet 5:13) long after the destruction of the original city, and most scholars agree that he's obviously referring to Rome, in an emblematic sense.

Now, generally speaking, a woman is understood to represent a church or a religious company, and there are a number of scripture verses to support this view. However, I believe that in Revelation, a woman can also represent a nation. Chapter 18's main protagonist, is called Babylon, and referred to as 'she,' and in feminine terms. My proposition is that this Babylon is a great nation-state, having a number of revealing characteristics. Let's look into them. (As usual, texts are from the NASB unless specified otherwise).

Revelation 18
Text (from NASB)
1 After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illumined with his glory. After the vision of ch. 17, another, glorious angel comes from heaven, one who speaks with authority. [i.e. This is a new vision, from a new & credible source.]
2 And he cried out with a mighty voice, saying, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird. Babylon is 'great'-- a prominent entity [nation] on the world stage. But, she has fallen to a very disgusting state of immorality. [The 'unclean birds' of scripture are primarily birds of prey, i.e. predators. See Lev 11:13-19]
3 "For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality." All nations have gotten involved in the excesses and immorality of this nation, and businessmen (and corporations) have gained great wealth by cooperating with her decadence.
4 I heard another voice from heaven, saying, "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues; A warning for God's people not to participate in the widespread corruption of this system, at risk of receiving the punishments due.
5 for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. God is mindful of her vast immorality!
6 "Pay her back even as she has paid, and give back to her double according to her deeds; in the cup which she has mixed, mix twice as much for her. The time of karmic retribution has come; she will reap what she sowed, in double amount.
7 "To the degree that she glorified herself and lived sensuously, to the same degree give her torment and mourning; for she says in her heart, 'I SIT as A QUEEN AND I AM NOT A WIDOW, and will never see mourning.' This nation lives as if there was no tomorrow, thinking there would never be an end to the wretched excesses of her lifestyle.
8 "For this reason in one day her plagues will come, pestilence and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for the Lord God who judges her is strong. Because of her arrogance, disaster will come on her swiftly; a confluence of various calamities coming all at once.
9 "And the kings of the earth, who committed acts of immorality and lived sensuously with her, will weep and lament over her when they see the smoke of her burning, The rulers of other countries, who had all been corrupted by her, will be upset to see her destruction come so rapidly.
10 standing at a distance because of the fear of her torment, saying, 'Woe, woe, the great city, Babylon, the strong city! For in one hour your judgment has come.' The other rulers keep their distance from such vast destruction, but marvel how such a powerful nation could come to ruin so quickly.
11 "And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their cargoes any more-- Here's the thing! The businessmen mourn because their prime market for goods has disappeared.
12 cargoes of gold and silver and precious stones and pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet, and every kind of citron wood and every article of ivory and every article made from very costly wood and bronze and iron and marble, It's not the exact items that are important, but the variety ('every kind') and the value of all these commodities that one should note.
13 and cinnamon and spice and incense and perfume and frankincense and wine and olive oil and fine flour and wheat and cattle and sheep, and cargoes of horses and chariots and slaves and human lives. As above, but this time, the items have more spiritual significance. Note, too, the inclusion of 'slaves' and 'human lives.'
14 "The fruit you long for has gone from you, and all things that were luxurious and splendid have passed away from you and men will no longer find them. Babylon becomes barren of the splendiferous things that were her hallmark.
15 "The merchants of these things, who became rich from her, will stand at a distance because of the fear of her torment, weeping and mourning, The businessmen and traders who grew rich from dealing with Babylon are afraid to get close to her, so great are her disasters.
16 saying, 'Woe, woe, the great city, she who was clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls; All they can do is marvel at the fate of once-great Babylon, draped in riches and wealth.
17 for in one hour such great wealth has been laid waste!' And every shipmaster and every passenger and sailor, and as many as make their living by the sea, stood at a distance, More emphasis on the suddenness of Babylon's collapse, and the aloofness of her onlookers. Note reference to international traders (who 'make their living by the sea).
18 and were crying out as they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, 'What city is like the great city?' More stupefaction by the onlooking world.
19 19 "And they threw dust on their heads and were crying out, weeping and mourning, saying, 'Woe, woe, the great city, in which all who had ships at sea became rich by her wealth, for in one hour she has been laid waste!' How much more emphasis do we need to show that this will be an unprecedented fall from wealth to ruin?
20 "Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you saints and apostles and prophets, because God has pronounced judgment for you against her." Godly people should take heart that God has exercised justice on evil Babylon.
21 Then a strong angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, "So will Babylon, the great city, be thrown down with violence, and will not be found any longer. A graphic demonstration of how this nation will be destroyed, never to rise again.
22 "And the sound of harpists and musicians and flute-players and trumpeters will not be heard in you any longer; and no craftsman of any craft will be found in you any longer; and the sound of a mill will not be heard in you any longer; Babylon's vaunted 'entertainment industry' will be terminated, as will her light and heavy industries.
23 and the light of a lamp will not shine in you any longer; and the voice of the bridegroom and bride will not be heard in you any longer; for your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery. Babylon's 'merchants' (corporate interests) were the de-facto rulers of earth, and she led all nations astray thru lies and elaborate deception.
24 "And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all who have been slain on the earth." This nation killed those who spoke truth, and (notably) 'all' people who've been slaughtered on Earth.


Whew! That's a difficult passage to read without feeling the immensity of judgement being exercised by God against this evil, corrosive 'city.' Yet, as I read it in light of events and revelations that have emerged in the past seven years or so, I came to a conclusion that seems inescapable-- Babylon, here, is none other than the United States of America! What other entity could possibly match the clues more closely? Some have argued that she is the Roman Catholic Church, but in view of the clear evidence, I think that is to give far too much credit to that organization. We have to consider the emphasis on 'merchants' and international trade ('all who ply their trade on the sea'), and on the list of commodities and luxury goods, including even 'slaves' and human trafficking. And the scriptures refer to her as a 'city'-- a secular term, not something with religious connotation. Most of these clues cannot be easily transposed to religion, and their sheer repetition is a significant indicator of their importance to the prophetic picture.

And what a sorry picture it is: a nation that corrupts all other nations of the world, using deception and 'sorcery,' and uses its power to kill all who dare to oppose her. This is a nation that spends huge treasure to develop technologies for more efficient ways to kill and destroy (i.e. it's 'sorcery'). It is becoming common knowledge how the USA uses the CIA and other agencies to infiltrate and overthrow 'uncooperative' regimes, using American trained 'death squads' where felt necessary to achieve their desired ends. Even Hollywood, center of the entertainment industry, has released movies based on these very tricks of international manipulation. US based multinational corporations often have larger revenues than the GDP of all but the top handful of nations, making their owners 'the great men of the earth.' And America has become so arrogant that she is blind to any suggestion that all empires have always failed, and especially when hubris reigned unchecked by either reality or morality. America considers herself a queenly kingdom that will never be without consorts and will never have to face hardships like the 'lesser' nations.

I think the fact that Peter referred obliquely to Rome of his day as Babylon provides telling legitimacy to my assertion that the USA of today is Babylon of Revelation 18. First century Rome, while technically a big city, was also a city-state, and really, the capital of a nation-state that became an empire. Likewise, the USA is a highly urbanized nation, like a collection of cities, where New York and Washington DC represent the very essence of Babylonian traits. Remember that chapter 17 ended with the statement that "(18) The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth." In part one I said that it wasn't clear whether the woman is a religious system or else a nation or political-economic system. With our analysis of chapter 18, in the light of recent and current historical events, I believe the ambiguity is resolved. First, in chapter 17, Babylon could represent failed, corrupt religion, and this part of the vision was fulfilled in a primary sense during the terrible centuries of the Dark Ages of religious ignorance and persecution. But towards the close of ch. 17, the vision shifts to a political-religious perspective, and Babylon now represents a national, perhaps even a corporatist system that dominates the geo-political sphere.

It is quite significant to observe the behavior of the other nations, those that grew wealthy thru trade and cooperation. They stand afar, and are afraid to approach Babylon in her punishment, for fear of sharing in it. That's very interesting, isn't it? In view of the utter destruction depicted in the prophecy, and the repeated mention of the reluctance of onlookers to get close to Babylon, a modern reader would immediately think of atomic bombs and the fear of radiation poisoning. Perhaps the words are not meant to be taken so literally, yet the emphasis on keeping at a distance certainly echoes the warning to Lot and his family when they fled Sodom and Gomorrah, not to even look back, lest they be affected.

To anyone who has studied the monstrous behavior of successive American administrations in the last 50 (even 100) years, it is no shock that this country is overdue for a massive karmic pay-back. The lives that have been brutally terminated as a result of US foreign misadventures; the lies that keep pouring from the White House to cover and justify their remorseless predation, all cry out to the God of justice for divine intervention. Whole countries have been ruined (think Vietnam and Agent Orange; think Iraq and depleted uranium), innocent civilians cruelly murdered (recall 'dirty wars' in Central America and elsewhere), small countries devastated (e.g. Lebanon, Rwanda, Haiti, etc.), natural resources plundered (e.g. the oil-producing nations), all to satisfy the infinite appetite for wealth and opulence of the masters of American corporate interests. It's a travesty how the mighty USA, while boasting of its huge wealth and power on the one hand, still whines about being a victim of this or that miniscule nation or group of designated 'terrorists.' Every policy promulgated by the administration is, in some degree, a self-serving attempt to accumulate more wealth, more power, regardless of consequences for anyone else. 

This is not to tar all Americans with a black brush; it is the rulers, the 'great men,' the 'beast powers' who are responsible. Yet, the whole populace is at risk because of their thoughtless complicity in the American lifestyle-- sustainable only by the egregious consumption of a hugely disproportionate share of Earth's resources. God warns 'his people' to get out of Babylon so that they will not receive the punishments that are to be visited upon her. In practical terms this may mean that a true believer should minimize involvement with the excesses of the modern American way of life, and perhaps more than that, should leave the big cities and live in more remote locations. One is reminded of Jesus' warning (in Matthew 24) to his disciples to leave Jerusalem when they see the 'abomination that makes desolate.' Let us hope that the picture will be (made) clear when the time is at hand.
With the study of chapters 13, 17, and 18 of Revelation, I think the broad, bold outlines of the rapidly unfolding future are defined. Furthermore, as we get closer to the end, the Bible prophecies becomes clearer, and already it is possible to make practical sense of them. All Americans would be wise to take heed!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Has Jesus Already Returned?

To the majority of mainstream Christians, the assertion that Christ has already returned for the second time seems absurd, even self-evidently absurd. Yet,
there are a number of sizable cults or faiths that believe exactly that notion-- that the ‘Second Coming’ has already happened.
Let’s quickly survey some of these beliefs, and then examine whether there can be any reality to this claim.

First, as to who believes such a strange-sounding notion, there are a few notables. Perhaps the best-known of these groups are the Jehovah Witnesses (also called the Watchtower Society). In their view, Jesus returned in a ‘spiritual manner’ in 1914, and the world is living in the so-called Last Days, and awaiting Armageddon and the subsequent Millennium. How they arrive at this conclusion is not in the purview of this essay; the essential point is that they claim something like 9 or 10 million members who adhere to this view.

Another group, of similar range of worldwide membership, is the Bahai faith. In the Bahai theology, their great patron, teacher and guiding light, Baha’ulla (an adopted name meaning ‘glory of God’) is revered as the promised Second Coming, the (re)incarnation of Christ. They are convinced that their avatar represents the fulfillment of the Christian scriptures that foretell the Second Advent of Jesus, and thus, that events since his appearance in the mid-1800s, fulfill those described in the apocalyptic literature of the New Testament.

As a final example, there are the Preterists, yet another splinter group of Christianity, culled from a variety of denominational backgrounds, who are of the conviction that the eschatological (end times) writings of the NT were all fulfilled in 70 AD, at the sacking of Jerusalem by the Roman legions under their commander, Titus. This opinion is primarily based on ‘the Apocalypse of Jesus’-- i.e. the Olivet discourse recorded in Matthew 24 (and the parallel passages in Mark 13 and Luke 21). In those verses, Jesus is quoted as assuring his listeners that ‘this generation’ will not pass away before all his stated predictions would occur. Among those predictions was the one that must have been particularly chilling to his Jewish listeners-- namely, the destruction of the great Temple that had been built centuries earlier by Solomon, destroyed and rebuilt in roughly the 5th millennium BC, and again restored by Herod (then a recent event). Since the Temple and its bureaucracy (the Sanhedrin) were at the heart of the Jewish religion as it had come to exist, any prediction of its destruction was taken as signaling the ‘End of the Age,’ in the minds of Jewish listeners.

So, the question stands: did Jesus return, as promised in the NT, in year 70, or in 1844, or 1914.... or any other year following his death on the cross at mount Calvary? To begin with, it is obvious that one of the strongest arguments against an already accomplished Second Advent is the very fact that there is such a divergence of accepted dates! They can’t all be correct; and if there is such disagreement, then clearly, the matter is hardly a black-and-white case.

While one may wonder how these believers can support such a theory, you have to understand that the only resort they can employ to support their view is to invoke the spiritual realm. What they all claim is that the eschatological scriptures are not to be taken in a literal sense, but they must be interpreted symbolically and as reflecting a purely spiritual reality. Thus, for example, when Jesus states that his return will be as the lightning that flashes from the east to the west, Bahai’s regard this as a symbolic reference to the fact that their message originated in Persia, and spread from there westward, to the Middle East, Europe, and then North America, all within a very brief interval, in historical terms. Similarly, the Preterists interpret all the language in Jesus’ apocalypse as allegorical, finding plausible, local scenarios that could account for details that read as global in the literal sense. Similarly, the JWs have developed a figurative interpretation of all the Biblical scriptures that bear on the question of Jesus’ Second Advent, and make the ambiguous claim that he returned ‘in spirit’ in the early 20th century.

Any analysis of the ‘already arrived’ claim must, therefore, consider whether the scriptures invoked in that scenario are purely symbolic or literal in nature. Or, in the third situation, we acknowledge that the words remain ambiguous. In that case, tho, one can still make educated guesses based on certain ‘hermeneutic’ principles (i.e. protocols of ‘exegesis’-- scriptural analysis).

To be transparent, my outlook is that the eschatological texts fall into recognizable classes that the context itself determines explicitly. In my view, ‘context overrules pretext!’ The books of Daniel and Revelation are undoubtedly symbolic-- they are full of visions of ‘beasts,’ horns, dragons, damsels, etc. Both Daniel and John make it clear that these books are records of their ‘visions’ or dreams-- information obtained in an altered state of consciousness. On the other hand, the predictions of Jesus, recorded in the synoptic gospels, are almost undoubtedly literal. Whenever Jesus spoke symbolically, the writer tells us that he was speaking in parables. The apostles were simple men, and every time Jesus told a parable, they asked him to explain it for them. In the Olivet discourse, they do not anywhere make reference to parables. Their question that time was: ‘When will this occur (ie. the destruction of the temple), and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?’ (Matthew 24:2) Certainly a straightforward question... in terms of semantics.

On second glance, however, one can see clear evidence of conflating two separate events, thus leading to an unavoidable degree of confusion. You see, in the minds of the apostles-- who were either Jews or gentile converts-- the two events had to be one; i.e. the destruction of the temple would signal the End of the Age, which would occur at Jesus’ return. Remember, Jesus had not been arrested and executed at that point, so the disciples were not even necessarily thinking in terms of a Second coming; merely his ‘coming out’ as theocratic ruler. There is plenty of possibility for confusion in this whole chapter. Since the writers (the evangelists) had their own preconceptions of the Messianic Kingdom to come, it is clearly reflected in the way they asked the question. Hence, it is not unreasonable to expect that they quite likely construed Jesus’ response in a way that conformed to their presumptions. Each of us does the same thing, regularly, in understanding new information.

From that observation, we can at least suspect that Jesus’ response as recorded in scripture reflects a conflation of the two specific events-- the destruction of the temple, and his second coming. In fact, the text indicates that nowhere does Jesus try to differentiate the two! This strikes me as odd, since the question was clearly posed with two separate parts-- even if the questioners regarded them as one. Readers who believe in the inerrancy of the Bible may baulk at this suggestion! But note that I am saying that Jesus deliberately obfuscated with the intention of protecting the truth from the tampering of later interpreters. If the meaning is obscure, then there’s no obvious incentive to alter the text. As Jesus told his apostles, "From now on I am telling you before it comes to pass, so that when it does occur, you may believe that I am He” (John 13:19). In other words, you may not understand a prophecy in advance, but you’ll recognize it when it happens. This is a key concept in dealing with prophecy.

In any case, Jesus goes on to describe events that seem to jump directly to the end of the age, and largely (but not entirely) skip over the sacking of Jerusalem that was to occur barely 40 years later. Verses 15 to 20, however, refer directly to the “abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel... standing in the holy place.” Now, Daniel 9:25-27, where the abomination is mentioned, clearly predict the destruction of Jerusalem that was to occur in 70 AD. [There are people like certain ‘Dispensationalists’ who disagree, but their view is influenced by the tenuous, subjective commentaries adduced in Darby’s Bible translation by Scofield. Space does not allow the required exposition, but it’s available in my other essays.] So, this segment (vs 15-20) is Jesus’ answer to the first part of the apostles question... BUT it appears that they still did not recognize that fact. That is, they still understood his words as if he were answering only one question.

Then Jesus’ apocalyptic descriptions go back to the frightening pictures of a planet and cosmos in chaos, and culminating in his coming on the clouds of heaven with his angelic host (verses 21 to the end of chapter 24). Just to illustrate the generally confusing nature of this chapter, notice verse 28, which states, “Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather,” which strikes the reader as a complete ‘non-sequitur’. It appears out of nowhere, and seems to relate to nothing previously stated.

Since there is no disclaimer by the gospel writers that Jesus was speaking parabolically, two millennia of Christian faithful have looked ahead to the return of Christ in which he subdues Evil, and assumes rulership of the Earth-- as described in scripture. The primary verses used to construct this belief are the following: Matthew 24/Mark 13/Luke 21, Acts 2, 1 Corinthians 15, 2 Thessalonians 2, 2 Peter 3, Jude, and Revelation (esp. ch. 19, 20, 21).

If one reads all these passages, a definite pattern emerges wherein Jesus returns to Earth from the heavens, with a great deal of noise (‘shouts’, ‘trumpet blasts’, etc.) accompanied by a vast retinue of angels who go out to gather up the believers, and he establishes the final, Godly kingdom of the redeemed on a renewed Earth. It is extremely difficult to try to cast this scene into allegorical terms, such that it is all accomplished silently, stealthily, and completely unnoticed by the majority of the world’s population... as would have had to occur in order to comply with the beliefs that Jesus has already sneaked back to Earth! To forestall the insistence that this could have occurred ‘spiritually’ with the proper insight, I have to point out Jesus’ specific mention in Matt 24:37 that his coming will be just like what happened at the great Deluge. The Flood of Noah’s day was certainly not a spiritual event, but a traumatic, physical, global destruction that marked the end of that age. And to emphasize the import of his warning, he states (vs. 39): “and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.” May I suggest that some of them did not understand because they insisted that Noah’s warnings must have been (only) symbolic, and not literal?

The other significant picture that emerges from the collection of apocalyptic, NT verses is that of judgement. Jesus’ Second Advent is concerned with a definitive judging of the living and the dead, and separating them into only two categories-- the saved (redeemed) and the lost (condemned). The saved are to enjoy new life in a new world under a new government. All those (of whatever stripe) who cling to an already accomplished Advent are burdened with the task of explaining how the world can exist in its present, chaotic state, where evil runs rampant, if the Kingdom of God has been secretly, spiritually installed. It can’t be logically done!

To the Bahai’s in particular, I have to point out that nowhere in scripture is it suggested that Christ will return in another incarnation, live a long life, and then die once more. This of course is what happened to Baha’ulla, who lived as an ordinary human, and died in 1892. Where is our ‘new heavens and a new Earth?’ They will respond that it is not yet revealed, but it’s coming. In that case, very little in Baha’ulla’s life corresponds with the details and sequence described in the Christian scriptures... at least not without a great deal of allegorizing and twisting of contexts.

Similarly, the Full Preterists are stuck with the task of explaining how all the details of cosmic distress, the universal appearance of Christ, and the great, White Throne judgement all occurred in 70 AD... while the world, apparently, carried on, oblivious. What they do, evidently, is invoke a yet-to-occur Third Coming of Jesus in some indeterminate future. In this regard, they are not alone, since many Christians believe in a literal thousand years of peace that is mentioned in only one place in scripture, the symbolic book of Revelation (Rev 20). If the Millennium is taken literally, then one must acknowledge that there must be three advents (as indeed, the Dispensationalists do, whether they recognize it or not). Yet, nowhere else in all of scripture is there reference to three advents of the Christ. He first incarnated in human form as Jesus, died as the redeemer, and was resurrected and returned to the heavenly dimension to await his physical return as the Lord of Lords in a renewed world. There is no intermediate coming.

The problem posed by the symbolic Millennium is similar to the problem of Jesus’ mentioning that: “Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened” (Matt 24:34). In ‘solving the problem’ of how his apocalyptic prophecies could all happen before the literal generation of hearers would pass away, the Preterists create far greater problems. Likewise, in taking a literal Millennium, Dispensationalists create the problem of three comings, which is nowhere else supported. Both these instances demonstrate the pitfalls of violating the ‘rule of simplicity’ (a.k.a. ‘Occam’s Razor’). That is, wherever possible, the simplest interpretation is to be taken in preference to a complicated one. It’s an elementary hermeneutic used in every discipline, not just exegesis.

What about the thousand years, then? Well, most scholars agree that Revelation presents several ‘parallel views’ of the same period, the ‘Church era,’ which is described as: ‘a time, times, and half a time;’ or as ‘three and a half years,’ or ‘1260 days,’ in various chapters, but which is, in any case, clearly symbolic. The pattern is altered in chapter 20, where it is now called ‘a thousand years;’ but the period is really the same as the others, i.e. the Church Age. And, concerning the phrase ‘this generation,’ used by Jesus in the Olivet discourse, many commentators regard it in one of its alternate Greek renderings as referring to the people born during the whole aeon-- the same Church era. Yes, there’s a certain amount of speculation here; but overall, it entails far less subsidiary chaos than does accepting a literal interpretation and then building a whole eschatology around the ensuing ‘damage control.’

To summarize, then, about the question ‘Did Jesus return during the past 2,000 years?’

1) The preponderance of historical, physical evidence, in combination with the most direct, common sense interpretation of the relevant scriptures, overwhelmingly support the negative response-- No, Jesus has not yet returned (in glory, as world ruler).

2) To construct a scenario in which Jesus has already returned, one must invoke figurative, spiritual interpretations of the eschatological scriptures, even where such understanding is not warranted by standard, hermeneutical practice, nor by the literal contexts.

3) Jesus told his listeners “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: "As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door” (Matt 24:32-33). He specifically makes a parallel with something tangible and comprehensible to anyone-- a fruit tree. His example was not haphazard; Jesus said when we ‘see’ all these things, we will know. This analogy makes it clear, I believe, that he was NOT talking about symbolic (spiritual) events, but rather about physical events observable by anyone who makes the effort. It’s not something that only initiates of a school of Bible study will be capable of understanding!

"And behold, I am coming quickly: Blessed is the one who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book." (Rev 22:7)

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Beast of Revelation Is Is...

A ‘beast’ with seven heads and ten horns; another beast that looks innocent as a lamb but ‘speaks as a dragon;’ a mysterious mark, and that renowned number, 666-- what’s it all about?
Probably no book has been as misused as the Bible, and no part of the Bible as mystifying and misunderstood as the Revelation. In particular (coincidentally?) one of the more misinterpreted parts of Revelation is Chapter 13-- the famous source of the ‘beasts’ and ‘666,’ and so on. My contention is that the eschatological prophecies are deliberately obscure, but that they become increasingly transparent as we approach the ‘End Times’ they describe. In this regard, the puzzling chapter 13 is proving to be a key to comprehension. This essay investigates that portion of Revelation in the light of recent history.

In the interests of condensing a long discussion into a readable article, I have to assume that the reader has read (better yet studied) the book of Revelation, and moreover, understands that the book defines its strange imagery within its very pages for those who observe.

The first eight verses describe a ‘beast’ that rises from the ‘sea,’ having ‘ten horns and seven heads,’ each horn crowned by a diadem, and each head showing ‘blasphemous names.’ We are told that ‘the dragon gave him his power, and throne, and great authority.’ Verse three is crucial, and many have stumbled on it: “I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast.” This amazing beast clearly becomes very powerful, and so arrogant as to blaspheme God, and to persecute His people.

Verses 11 to 18 then turn the spotlight on ‘another beast,’ who comes out of the earth, and who looks like a lamb, externally, but who speaks ‘like a dragon.’ This beast seems to focus world attention on the first beast, and makes everyone worship it. He enforces the famous ‘mark’ on the hand or forehand that must be received in order to buy or sell. Chapter 13 ends with the infamous number, 666, ‘the number of the beast,’ that is said to somehow designate ‘a man.’

This short chapter would be pretty difficult to unlock on its own; but it so happens that chapter 17 seems to rehearse the same scenario, but from quite a different perspective. By combining the clues from the two chapters, I believe a coherent pattern emerges.

In chapter 17, John is shown a ‘harlot’ sitting on a ‘scarlet beast having seven heads and ten horns,’ clearly establishing a link with the earlier vision (of ch. 13). On her forehead is written the mysterious name ‘Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.’ She is described as drunk with the blood of the saints. In verse eight the beast is twice described as one that ‘was, and is not, and will come;’ a phrase that is repeated again in verse 11. That verse goes on to state that he is ‘also an eighth and is one of the seven.’ The last verses of chapter 17 describe how ‘ten kings’ will wage war against ‘the Lamb,’ but will be defeated. They turn against the harlot, and destroy her, and the last verse defines her as ‘the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.’

Now; let’s start putting the clues together, letting scripture define its own terms as much as possible, and always bearing in mind that Revelation is a symbolic book. Most of the symbols used by John echo similar ones used 6 centuries earlier in the book of Daniel, which were explained in the text. Similarly, the ‘angel/guides’ in Revelation give John the general meanings of the symbols in the visions. Summarizing very briefly, they are...
Beast = ‘kingdom,’ country, empire (Rev 17:10, Dan 7:17); Dragon = Satan, the Devil (Rev 12:9, 20:2); Sea = populous area; the ‘old world’ (Rev 17:15); Horns = kings, rulers (Dan 7:24); Heads = governments, nations; Diadems = sign of authority, rulership; Blasphemous - indicates un-Godly; Tabernacle=the ‘church’, ‘saints’, who are spiritually residents of heaven; harlot = apostate community (Ezek 23:4); judgment = fate, punishment; waters = people, populations (Rev 17:15). Also, we should know that numbers are used symbolically in the Bible, where seven indicates perfection, completion; and ten indicates (stands for) a complete or inclusive set. Many commentators, ancient and modern, have become hopelessly sidetracked because they do not accept the Bible’s own definitions, and try to impose their own! For example, many pundits have assumed that the beasts stand for people (e.g. the Pope); but the scriptures don’t say that; they tell us explicitly that they’re kingdoms (or nations, today).

Re-capping the main points of the text in plain language, we can see that :
1. The text refers to a kingdom (nation) that had disappeared (was slain) at the time of John’s writing (set at about 90 AD), yet would reappear later in history;
2. when this nation reappears it will cause people to be amazed;
3. this nation is associated with the name of a man; and perhaps aspires to attain godly heights… their way.
4. this nation was among a group of 7 that existed in a then-populous region-- i.e. the Middle East-- before it was extinguished;
5. when it reappears, it will be in some ‘new’ form (different from the 1st appearance);
6. this nation is associated with a false religion somehow;
7. there is another nation that appears later (after John’s day), that will be closely allied with the restored nation-- it wasn’t one of the original 7; but when it arises in an unpopulated area, it will enforce homage to the restored nation;
8. the ‘new nation’ will first appear benign (lamb-like), but will issue draconian edicts that will cause all other nations to ‘fall into line’ with it;
9. the new nation is being directed by a false, apostate religion;
10. there seems to be a blurring between the woman as a church and as a ‘city,’ but in any case, there is a highly urbanized nation that exercises hegemony over all other nations;
11. a set of ‘ten’ symbolic kingdoms arise in the end-times and they give their ‘power and authority’ to the restored kingdom for a brief time (17:12-13) until Jesus defeats them.

When you look at the facts laid out like this, while there may still be some fuzzy details, nonetheless, some conclusions jump out as inescapable!

As soon as you mention ‘restored nation’ the obvious candidate that leaps out is ‘Israel’. Its name comes directly from ‘a man,’ their patriarch Jacob who was renamed Israel (Gen 32:28). Ancient Israel was one of a group of seven prominent kingdoms in the Middle East that includes Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Greece, Babylonia, and Rome. With their rejection of the Messiah, Israel’s treasured cultural religion, Judaism, became an antichristian blasphemy. As a nation, Israel has always aspired to ‘help’ God do things their way. From the taking of the Promised Land, to the Pharisaical plot to eliminate Jesus, the children of Israel preferred their deeds over God’s providence. The dramatic restoration of the Jewish homeland, named Israel, in the land of Palestine in 1948 was indeed seen as amazing, even miraculous, by the on-looking world. While many assumed that it must be due to God’s intervention, others who have investigated the creation of modern Israel, find that it was, instead, due to conniving plans dating back to the late 19th century (as Zionism) and renewed following the First World War, by the Balfour Declaration. It was not God’s hand that was involved, but that of the Dragon, motivating Zionist agents behind the scenes of diplomacy.

The Bible had this insight long before any modern pundit could possibly discern the covert machinations that culminated in a restored Jewish state. However, this resuscitated nation is a pretender! Altho populated by Jews (progeny of Judah, one of Israel’s 12 sons), they call themselves Israel, in pretense of comprising the original, full 12 tribes of Jacob. Even IF all 12 tribes should be represented in today’s Israel, Jewish researchers have found that those known as Ashkenazi Jews (who engineered the takeover of Palestine) are actually descended from the Khazar people, who lived in the Caucasus region, and whose king made his whole nation convert to Judaism in the eighth century. And whereas ancient Israel, the state, occasionally worshipped the true God, the new nation follows a worldly, ultra-nationalist, anti-religion known as Zionism. Thus, ‘Israel’ has reappeared, but in a new, ersatz format, just as predicted. (See also, Rev 3:9 for another hint about Israel.)

Now, the second prominent nation, the later one that originates in a less populous region, seems to reach its zenith near the culmination of apocalyptic events. Again, on the evidence, there’s one nation that immediately springs to mind-- the USA. Obviously, it didn’t exist at the time of John. And when it did appear, it arose in the ‘new world’, far from the populations of the old world. With its declaration of the rights and freedoms of individuals, particularly in regard to religious worship, the USA indeed looked lamb-like, and the two horns could symbolize the separation of church and state. Lately, there is no doubt about the dragon-like voice with which the US government has been throwing its weight around the world over the last 60 years or more. All nations of the world are compelled to heed the voice of the US government, whether they like it or not. In the vivid imagery of Revelation, this beast calls down fire from heaven, and deceives the Earth with the ‘signs’ he has the power to perform in front of the world. This made little sense-- until the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan in 1945, and recapitulated in the ‘Shock and Awe’ invasion of Iraq, that is. Now it reads as prescient indeed!

The lobbying of the ‘religious right’ has become increasingly influential since the Reagan presidency of the 1980s-- some call it a profane, false Christianity ‘directing’ affairs in D.C. And that camp is closely linked to Zionist (‘Judaic’) interests (hence, ‘Judeo-Christianity’). That is the cursory analysis of ‘the harlot riding the beast.’ However, one could argue that the religious right is still, nominally, Christian, and not really what the prophecy points to. There exists a more covert connection between an abominable religion and the US administration. Summarizing a vast amount of evidence, let me state simply that there is undeniable evidence that the individuals who populate the US administration are linked to a panoply of occult practices and symbolism that can be traced back to ancient Babylon. These politicians congregate at the ‘Bohemian Grove’ (California) annually to indulge in bizarre, satanic rituals. That is their abominable, antichristian religion. It is well known that G.W. Bush, J.F. Kerry, and many other political figures are members of the Yale U. secret society called the ‘Skull and Bones.’ Many high-placed officials in Washington are associated with various occult/Masonic societies, as a little Internet research will attest. It could be sensibly argued that this ‘mystery cult’ of the elite more accurately represents the prostitute of the prophecy.

One can think of Zionism as a geo-political conspiracy for the ‘New World Order’ whose top names come largely from the ranks of Jews. In any case, it is indisputable that the cabinet in Washington is dominated by Zionist interests promoted by Israeli-American ‘dual-citizens.’ Leveraging these ‘inside assets,’ the Israeli government exerts influence over the USA, particularly to do its dirty work in the Middle East. For decades the US delegation has used its veto in the Security Council of the United Nations to prevent censure of Israel. Lately, US foreign policy seems to be dictated by Tel Aviv. The First and Second Gulf Wars make little sense except when analyzed in the light of Israel using US military power to subdue its enemies. When Israel invaded Lebanon in 2006, deliberately destroying civilian infrastructure and killing non-combatants, the US waited until it was too late before expressing some measure of reservation over the Israeli depredations. While Israel and the USA make an uproar about supposed nuclear ambitions by Iran, they simply ignore the open secret that Israel already possesses nuclear weapons, and has the means to deploy them. Any nation fingered by Washington must jump and salute; however, Israel gets a free pass. In other words, the ‘second beast’-- the USA-- causes the rest of the world to worship the first beast-- Israel. The trend is so marked that we can see that it’s a hallmark of the ‘New World Order.’

As many commentators have speculated, the 10 horns (of 17:12) probably refer to the countries of the European Union, that have had reservations about Israel’s policies towards the Palestinians, yet in the end, support the US-British backing of Israel. Once EU membership exceeded ten nations, some pundits abandoned this view. But they fail to note that ‘ten’ is simply a symbolic count for an inclusive set. And in any case, only ten or fewer countries have significant influence on EU foreign affairs. This view also is in accord with Daniel’s vision of the statue in chapter 2, where the feet and toes (‘of iron mixed with clay’) have long been identified as the ‘revived Roman Empire’ embodied in the modern EU, with its strained mix of strong and feeble economies.

Many commentators have taken the picture of ‘buying and selling’ in chapter 13 quite literally, and have weaved some rather bizarre scenarios based on that view (e.g. micro-chips, bar-codes in people’s flesh). However, it’s not unreasonable to take the figure as symbolic… but, of what? Perhaps Proverbs 23:23 gives a clue: “Buy truth, and do not sell it, Get wisdom and instruction and understanding.” By means of so-called ‘anti-hate’ laws, it is becoming almost impossible for anyone to legitimately question Israeli policies and actions. Increasingly, no one in Western societies can dare openly criticize Israel without unleashing severe censure. It doesn’t take much imagination to foresee a time when any expression of reservation about Israel will result in prison or even death. And yet, how can we ‘get understanding’ if any criticism of Israel is crushed by so-called ‘anti-hate laws?’ Zechariah 11:4-6 is another passage that puts buying and selling in the context of duplicitous and predatory exploitation of one class by another, and God’s judgment on them. So, Rev 13:17 may be alluding to the fact that no one can speak truth about Israel and religion, but only mouth what the state permits.

Nonetheless, with the huge crises in the world banking system in recent years, it is equally possible that the ‘buying and selling’ may be literal. A little research will confirm that the global banking regime is largely in the hands of a cabal of Jews, and that they have, in fact, implemented a key strategy cited in the enigmatic ‘Protocols of Zion.’ That is, the world’s banks are under the management of a tiny elite, and all money is regarded as debt owed to them. Hence, they have total control over money, and with the advent of computerized records systems and banking cards, the banks can exert unparalleled monitoring of transactions (ie. buying and selling). Many pundits have postulated that we are heading for a system where micro-chips will replace tangible money, and the prophetic vision could be realized literally.

The one piece of the puzzle that escapes me at present is the question of the ‘image of the beast.’ While the other pieces fall into place fairly neatly, this one is far from obvious, at least at this time. I expect that it will become apparent as events unfold, but for the time being, the image is an open question. The NIV translates the passage as: “an image in honor of the beast.” The NASB and the KJV translation is: “an image to the beast.” In the Amplified Bible, the passage reads: “a statue (an image) in the likeness of the beast.” So, we have the later nation commanding the inhabitants of the earth to ‘make an image’ that represents the first (restored) nation in some manner.

My guess is that the construction of the image hasn’t yet happened, and when it does, we will be close to the end of the game. I predict that when the USA proposes some kind of ‘solution’ to the Middle East crisis that involves enforced homage to something that stands for (symbolizes, represents) the state of Israel, then we will recognize the fulfillment of this graphic prophecy. I expect that whatever it is, it will be a surprise to all, yet clear to those who remember scripture.

The other puzzle-piece is the ultimate uncovering of the false, apostate, mystic religion that masquerades as Judeo-Christianity, and that exercises covert control over the nations. It has long been realized that the Vatican, seat of Roman Catholic authority, is full of mystic symbolism derived from Egyptian and Babylonian sources. And since ‘Mystery Babylon’ is the ‘mother of ALL harlots,’ then all the Christian denominations are implicated, not just Roman Catholicism. Similarly, modern Judaism, via the Talmud, is heavily influenced by Kabbalah, a mystic school that dates back to the time of their captivity in ancient Babylon. Some investigators claim covert connections between the Vatican and Zionists, and although those theories are speculative, there’s no doubting the common lineage of their mystic symbolism, namely, Babylon.

Finally, I should anticipate one observation that some readers who are versed in history may raise. The predictive imagery of widespread, bloody persecution of true believers by an apostate church prevailing upon government to do its bidding, may ring familiar. Yes, it happened during the Dark Ages, when the official, Rome-based Church persecuted ‘heretics’ of all kinds, especially those who revered the Bible. However, it is possible for prophecy to have a primary, literal fulfillment, and a later, figurative reprise. Thus, the persecution of the first millennium could be repeated in its characteristics in this third millennium, with different actors but the same plot... and a much shorter time frame. Indeed, almost all exponents of eschatology have identified the (first) Beast (of Rev. 13) as the Roman Catholic Church or the European Union. But, the reader should see, now, that this can’t be: John repeats the phrase ‘that was, and is not, and will come’ for the purpose of making a point. That point should not be lost on us, latter day readers, who need it most! (Refer to item no. 1, above, in the summary of facts). Only Israel had existed prior to John’s last writing (ca. 90 AD), had gone into oblivion in 70 AD, and ‘re-appeared’ two millennia later. This ‘kingdom’ therefore, cannot be the Roman church or the EU... nor some yet-to-emerge 'Antichrist!' With the acuity of hindsight, I think it is clear that the prophecies of Daniel focus on the history of the early Christian church, while those of Revelation move the spotlight to the End of the Age, and the geo-political turmoil of these times.


What I hope this analysis demonstrates is that without imposing a lot of exogenous, novel, dogmatic interpretations on the text, and allowing the scriptures to illuminate themselves, a sensible picture readily emerges… and, without the need of a Ph.D. in something or other to do so. And another important thing is that the Bible is not a book of science-fiction or technological predictions. The abstract scenes in Revelation are sketches of geo-political and geo-religious currents, not of helicopters, atomic weapons, and so on (as sensationally claimed by some American Evangelicals). And note that the whole panorama would not be comprehensible until the time when it is needed.

We must note that the text had to be written in such a way that an accurate prophecy can be presented without being so obvious that unscrupulous forces could suppress or alter it. And yet, the clues are skillfully encoded so that someone who has a reasonable understanding of history, and allows the scripture to explain itself, can gain a fairly clear grasp of who the actors are, and what they are doing. Still, the picture only clarifies after the fact; i.e. after the forecast events actually begin, or as they unfold. In this process, it is astonishing to see how a book written millennia ago in a far-off land contains a description of the geo-political and religious situation that has unfolded over the last, mere half-century or so... within the lifetime of many who read this article. Friends, you can’t make this stuff up-- no human mind could produce the bizarre vision-clips of Revelation, and use them to accurately predict world political events 2,000 years in the future!

Clearly, the prophecies are designed to demonstrate and reveal that God is real and supreme, and that we can’t determine what will happen next-- it is entirely in His hands. Our job is just to trust and believe. I pray that sincere atheists will read this essay and have their eyes opened to the beauty of God’s scriptures. Remember, the Bible has been in a more or less final, ‘canonical’ state for many centuries. The prophecies survived intact to this day for the very purpose of demonstrating the genius behind them. No human could have achieved such a feat-- that’s why this book is truly a Revelation!

(My verse-by-verse analysis is available if a reader wants to follow the detailed study; go to http://truthquestors.blogspot.com/2008/09/revelation-re-visit-new-study.html)
© John Krzyzewski, Sept. 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Spiritual Warfare

Many readers understand that there are forces pushing society and events towards chaos for the benefit of a small elite seeking total domination. However, most people do not understand the true dimensions of those forces.

What I’m saying is that those forces are demonstrably evil, in a spiritual sense. But more than that, I’m saying that the directing intelligence behind those evil individuals is none other than Satan, as identified in the Bible.

Sure, today’s ‘modern man’ does not believe in the Devil; that’s so yesterday. Great for Satan if the majority don’t even believe he exists! What better cover could anyone have?

For the scoffers and skeptics who can’t accept this premise, how else can you explain the single-mindedness, the coherence of effort, and the success enjoyed by the forces of evil over centuries (if not millennia)? It is simply beyond human ability! No ideology has ever survived intact for such a long period as has this pernicious plan to subject all of humanity to the absolute rule of a self-appointed elite.

You have to suspend your antipathy towards religion long enough to discern the spirit behind the string of evil persons and actions down thru the ages. That spirit is Satan. And his subterfuges and modus operandi also, importantly, account for the ambiguity over a group called the Jews.

Much has been written, especially lately, concerning the Jews and their connection to Zionism, and Zionism’s connection with the Illuminati, Satanism, etc. Some people want to lump all Jews in the same class as the ‘bad Jews;’ others can distinguish between them. But, there’s a spiritual reason why Jews are over-represented in Zionist/NWO schemes.

In every age, God used certain individuals to advance His plan for mankind. After Cain killed Abel, God used Seth as His agent. After the Flood, it was Noah. After the Tower of Babel, God used Abraham. From Abraham’s line, a man called Jacob was chosen after a symbolic struggle from which God renamed him Israel. Later, the remnant of Israel’s descendents was (basically) one tribe called the Jews. From the Jews, God used Jesus, His ultimate servant, to deliver His message.

Jesus told the Pharisees (as religious leaders) that the mission was taken from the Jews and given over to ‘another people’ who will bear fruit with it (see Matthew 23:41). So for Christians to believe that the Jews continue, 2,000 years after Jesus, to be God’s chosen’ is completely unscriptural and baseless. After Christ, the Jews were as any other people on Earth in God’s eyes. The spiritual torch was handed over to ‘spiritual Israel,’ i.e. those of any background who accept the gospel message.

Satan has infiltrated and corrupted every institution created by man, especially religion. At first, Satan tried to stamp out the Christ-based faith, thru the Romans. When that failed, he had a better plan and co-opted the emerging church-- which explains all the occult/demonic symbols found in the Vatican. (By the same token, it explains the weird practices of the Freemasons, another organization effectively used by Satan to advance his cause.)

Just as God had attempted to use the children of Israel for His purposes, so too, the great pretender, Satan, is using the (once) ‘chosen people,’ the Jews, for his evil ends. This started in the 18th century, with Adam Weishaupt, and got more serious in the 19th century when Theodor Hertzl instigated Zionism. Today, we are seeing the final flourishing of the Zionist/Illuminati conspiracy. One reason for its success is that a large body of Christians have been duped into supporting the fiction that modern Israel still represents God’s chosen people.

Once you recognize Satan, the picture clarifies. Because Satan’s big ambition in life is to be like God-- to exalt himself over the human race as our God. And notice that this desire to mimic God also explains the demonic obsession with ‘Israel’ (geographically) and Jerusalem, its capital. These literal places have been superceded in God’s terms by spiritual counterparts; but Satan’s desire is to install himself in a temple in Jerusalem.

He’s been working at that goal for literal ages; and he sees its accomplishment as imminent.